Attention is a small price to pay that we must never take for granted

Attention is a small price to pay that we must never take for granted

The digital arena is a war about something that we may be taking for granted but is increasingly becoming more valuable: our attention.

“Paying attention” is such an apt phrase, because the structures that surround us compete for our attention. In other words, there are many things around us that are built to distract – ads, smartphones, endless reels and shorts, or even general noise pollution. But when we allow ourselves to be pulled in too many directions, we risk losing control of our time and our lives. It is easy to get lost in distractions and let our focus slip away, but when we do, we miss out on our experiences.

We miss opportunities to encounter new insights and to find new ways of flourishing.

The next time we mindlessly do something, maybe we should pause: is what we’re doing worth the price we pay, worth paying attention to? By making a conscious effort to be mindful of how we pay attention, we can better predispose ourselves to insights and flourishing.

Luke 16:19-31. “He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ Then Abraham said, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’”


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