Entries by Patch Aure

The hidden dangers of quantitative measurements

The hidden dangers of quantitative measurements Quantitative measurements are ubiquitous in our modern world. From social media engagement metrics to student test scores, big numerical data drives much of our decision-making. However, while quantitative measurements can be valuable tools, relying too heavily on them can lead to hidden dangers and unintended consequences. One of the […]

All in

All in In order to experience flow and improve ourselves, we must be fully present and engaged in what we are doing. This means that we cannot go on autopilot or afford to do things superficially. If we want to flourish, we must learn to focus our attention on the task at hand, and we […]

Consistency is underrated

Consistency is underrated It’s easier to notice peaks. We also cannot help but spread the word when we witness peaks (or even lows). But the challenge is consistency – to remain centered and focused on our controllables no matter the context. To treat good works not as an opportunity for rewards but as a craft […]

Self-care is a duty and responsibility

Self-care is a duty and responsibility Self-care is not selfish because taking care of our own well-being allows us to be better equipped to care for and support others. When we are responsible for our physical, emotional, and mental health, we are better able to manage stress, maintain healthy relationships, and contribute to our communities. […]