Entries by Patch Aure


Babbling The words we choose should not get in the way of our insights. Matthew 6:7-15. In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. [DAILY GOSPEL INSIGHTS AND REFLECTION FOR MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION 2023-173: JUNE 22, 2023]

Love that grows radically wiser

Love that grows radically wiser Belonging to a family, community, or organization that is harmonious makes it convenient to learn what it means to give and receive love. This is an important foundation especially for children and the young to appreciate the simplicity of love. But as we grow and mature, we realize that love […]

Mores and magis

Mores and magis Zeal for service and doing more for God. These concepts from the Lasallian and Atenean cultures have been a mainstay in my mind lately. In a way, they capture what excellence means within the context of growing our virtues. Most importantly, excellence is not solely focused on one’s individual performance and self-growth, […]

Childlike curiosity and insights

Childlike curiosity and insights This father’s day weekend, I have come to believe (through Franco) that children indeed have the natural inclination to be curious, to know, and understand. Maybe the goal of parenting is not about controlling every single aspect of a child’s life. Instead, it’s more about being an architect of a child’s […]

The mindset of an inclusive leader

The mindset of an inclusive leader The start of the parable tells us everything about the mindset of an inclusive leader: “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?” It’s not about […]

Critical reflections on #ILoveLizzy

Critical reflections on #ILoveLizzy My wife and I were finally able to watch the movie. She convinced me to reflect on the movie. For context, our Facebook newsfeed has been bombarded by images and reactions from those who have watched the movie. At first glance, it does seem such a bittersweet love story: a priest […]