There is power in knowing the scope of our mission

There is power in knowing the scope of our mission

In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything at once. However, when we spread ourselves too thin, we often end up not accomplishing anything. Understanding the scope of our mission is crucial in ensuring that we make a tangible impact and avoid becoming overwhelmed by our ambitions.

To put a dent in the universe requires a focused and disciplined effort. By limiting the scope of our mission, we can hone our skills and expertise in a particular area. This concentration allows us to dive deeper into our chosen field and make meaningful progress. When we are clear about our goals, we can dedicate our time and resources more efficiently, leading to significant and lasting achievements.

Furthermore, when we know the scope of our mission, we are more immune to the temptations of greed. In the pursuit of success, it is all too easy to be consumed by ambition and lose sight of our true purpose. By having a clear understanding of our mission’s boundaries, we can avoid overreaching and maintain our focus on what truly matters.

Knowing the scope of our mission means we increase the chances of staying true to ourselves. It’d be such a tragedy to get in our own way due to our hubris when even Jesus Himself knew what to do (and what not to) and when to do it.

John 6:1-15. Jesus therefore, when he knew that they would come to take him by force, and make him king, fled again into the mountain himself alone.


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