The responsibility of trying to be right

The responsibility of trying to be right

The responsibility of trying to be right is indeed heavy. When we strive for truth and accuracy, we open ourselves up to being wrong and making mistakes. It can feel daunting to take a stand on issues or make definitive claims, knowing that we may have to retract or alter them if proven incorrect. The weight of this responsibility can make us tentative, indecisive, or fearful of asserting anything too strongly.

However, avoiding or shirking this responsibility is not the answer.

While being right is important, it is perhaps even more vital that we engage earnestly and thoughtfully with ideas, questions, and debates. We must be willing to think carefully, research thoroughly, and revise our views when appropriate. Though challenging, exercising diligence and intellectual humility is necessary for personal growth and progress.

By sincerely striving for knowledge and understanding, even amid uncertainty, we fulfill our duty to ourselves and society. The responsibility of being right may be heavy, but it is far nobler to bear that weight than to take the easy way out.

Mark 6:17-29. Herod feared John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and kept him in custody. When he heard him speak he was very much perplexed, yet he liked to listen to him.


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