Entries by Patch Aure

Finding peace in paradoxes

Finding peace in paradoxes When we lose our ego, we are able to flourish. When we detach from our material wealth and status, we are more integrated with our spirit. When we choose to be last, we deserve to be first. When we submit to the seeming chaos of the paradoxes of our lives, the […]

Bearing fruit

Bearing fruit Be it a literal fruit beginning to emerge or a fetus beginning to grow in a woman’s womb, the labor behind caring for the fruit before it even existed is often unseen or even underappreciated. That labor demands intention, persistence, and faith; there are factors beyond the control of the one who plants […]

To take a stand

To take a stand Taking a stand sounds simple, but it requires an extraordinary amount of courage. If we develop an opinion born from critical thinking, but it goes contrary to popular opinion, do we take a stand? When we are subjected to peer pressure, do we take a stand? When it is more convenient […]

To love before they existed

To love before they existed In a sense, children are the most beloved people in the world. Imagine parents-to-be loving someone even before conception — isn’t this the very example of unconditional love? Children are both blessed and blessed themselves, providing a bundle of joy that lights everyone up with a single smile. If it […]

Greater than the sum of the parts

Greater than the sum of the parts The two shall become one flesh. This allows what was previously separate to be greater than the sum of its parts. So the two are not just “one flesh,” they are something greater—they are a single unity that encompasses two separate people. This is what makes love such […]

Grudges and forgiveness

Grudges and forgiveness Grudges can become malicious pests that can distract a plant from flourishing into a tree it was destined to be. Grudges can invite vicious cycles of revenge that transcend generations. A grudge robs a person of their ability to take opportunities in life and leaves them anxious and stunted. Maybe, in the […]


Metamorphosis Maybe a miracle of life is that we can “transform” many times – with our “old selves” dying, and “new selves” being born after. Like a grain of wheat that transforms to bear fruit and a caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly. Maybe the invitation for us is to lean into change more even […]

The soulfulness of children

The soulfulness of children Children have a knack of making simple things very profound. Maybe it’s because children tend to put their everything in everything they do. The energy of a curious child cannot be dampened easily, no matter the presence of seemingly “wiser” adults. However, the “real world” can mercilessly shove children off their […]

All of us have dues to pay

All of us have dues to pay There seems to be a price for everything. The dues we have to pay are not necessarily limited to monetary resources – there are times when we have to invest time and energy to earn what we want. We must be grateful and careful for the conveniences we […]