We must learn to pay our dues before we can be the best version of ourselves

We must learn to pay our dues before we can be the best version of ourselves

Luke 9:22-25. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?

“… he must deny himself and take up his cross daily…”

The season of lent is a reminder that suffering and sacrifice are mainstays in life. If God Himself underwent suffering and death, why should we humans be exempt or pray otherwise?

Instead of praying that we avoid suffering, isn’t it better to pray for grace to withstand suffering? We all have crosses to bear, and maybe it is better to pray for strength or to ask for our own Simon of Cyrene in helping us bear our crosses.

This season is also a reminder that we are not meant to live our lives based on instinct or the desires of the flesh alone. We have to honor our gifts of insight and discernment. We have to master ourselves instead of being slaves to our hunger and thirst.

It seems simple, but actually, it feels deeply profound to undertake a virtuous journey, a journey of authenticity, a quest to be the best version of ourselves. Our talents and tendencies differ, and therefore, we have different crosses to bear.

We must learn to pay our dues before we can be the best version of ourselves.


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