A light bulb does not flaunt itself but draws attention to others

A light bulb does not flaunt itself but draws attention to others

A light bulb can be a reminder that our actions can either be like a beam of light shining upon ourselves, seeking recognition and praise, or they can be a gentle glow that illuminates the world around us.

When we flaunt our good deeds, it is like a bright light shining upon us, seeking attention and admiration. But this approach, though it may bring temporary satisfaction, lacks the depth and meaning of authentic kindness. For it is not the light itself that is important, but the way it touches the hearts of others.

On the other hand, when we do good deeds humbly, it is like a light bulb that quietly illuminates the world. It is the small yet powerful gestures of kindness that truly make a lasting impact. It is not the light that is seen but the love and compassion that shines through it.

A selfish light shines so limited . Our light is the brightest when we let others show their radiance and glow.

Matthew 5:13-16. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.


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