On spiritual rebirths and being catalysts for change

On spiritual rebirths and being catalysts for change

In a sense, spiritual rebirth and attempting to become catalysts for change can be seen as paradoxes. While change and rebirth are something we can explicitly desire and pursue, they cannot be fully attained through our own efforts alone. Much like the figurative philosopher’s stone, many people may desire a higher power, but few are genuinely deserving of it. The truly worthy are those who do not lust for power and are not motivated by greed. The more one tries to control or force the process, the harder it may become to experience genuine transformation.

Thus, pursuing transformations or trying to be authentic catalysts for change indeed demands a sober awareness of our controllables and non-controllables. In other words, we should have a look at the scope and limitations of our powers and how we can use it wisely to interact with structures and contexts that surround us.

A holistic life demands both reason and faith, for it is through reason that we acknowledge our strengths and limitations, and it is through faith and trust that we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and find ways to grow despite our weaknesses.

We must not embrace hubris and say “I will it be!” nor do we just passively surrender in cowardice and say “let it be!” Through insight and discernment, we proactively but humbly say “help it be!”

John 3:1-8. The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.


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