Entries by Patch Aure

Symptoms are not our foes

Symptoms are not our foes Symptoms are not our enemies, but rather helpful signals our body sends. Instead of only wishing for them to disappear, we should focus on what they reveal about our health. Being ill doesn’t always mean we lack something; it can also show that something is preventing us from feeling our […]

Timing and faith

Timing and faith Finding the right time means navigating time, space, and chance. Having great timing also presupposes that we have developed skills, talents, or even virtues so that we can take advantage of serendipity. The right timing also requires faith. This is because no matter how much we prepare ourselves, there are many things […]

How have we behaved?

How have we behaved? In dealing with each other, there are so many things behind the scenes that we can barely see or sense. The most tangible or concrete thing we can assess is our work or behavior. Why have we behaved in certain ways? Do our behaviors indicate a certain pattern that could define […]

A leader must dream like a father

A leader must dream like a father Leaders and fathers seem to have great similarities. They are accountable when it comes to the processes and outcomes of any system in an organization or a household. The trickiest balancing act is to find the golden mean between action and vision. In a complex world with so […]

Self-awareness vs self-consciousness

Self-awareness vs self-consciousness Though being self-aware and being self-conscious seems to be similar, we can differentiate them to better understand our personal journey. My understanding of self-awareness is strongly rooted in what we call first-person practice in our academic programs. Through various thinking tools that facilitate authenticity, we aim to cultivate a deeper understanding of […]