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Another corruption and graft related issue has surfaced in the Philippines. According to, there are officials who allegedly directed their pork barrel funds to bogus NGOs so as to pocket their assets.
This is a bit frustrating, especially since this gives NGOs more negative publicity. Yes, perhaps there may be some organizations who are merely tax shields or are indeed “ghosts” that suck the funds out of the tax-funded pork barrels for the personal gain of those in power. But the true NGOs suffer from this as well; those who pursue social good with integrity and sacrifice. Perhaps social enterprises may suffer from these kinds of things as well as this may destroy reputations of organizations that pursue the common good.
On to the topic of this blog post, is it about the lack of policies or the lack of execution?
According to my professors in DLSU, the Philippines have good laws related to preventing corruption. However, there is indeed a lack of implementation – a lack of execution.
I think it is time that the public be the one to execute the law through public demand, or public pressure. If we can find a way to utilize, harness, organize or even systematize the People Power phenomenon, then we can be the watchdogs of corruption. The dawn of this digital era amplified with smartphones capable of using social media, cameras and digital recorders can serve as the country’s CCTV in looking out for undesirable actions from those in power.
Perhaps there should be pressure for every organization to be transparent. If we can harness the all-seeing eye of this becoming increasingly digital world, then we can demand transparency from all kinds of organizations. This will make covering the tracks of corruption harder. This will put pressure to those in power to really invest in projects that contribute to the common good.
Let the mass media news always show a regular update on transparency reports from officials. Let social media news websites raise discussions and fora related to these kinds of issues.
For far too long we have been searching for the medium by which we can amplify our eyes. We have wished for Superman-like x-ray vision to determine proofs of corruption looming behind those promises of those in power. Let us use the power of our digital era and be the ones to execute our policies.