Entries by Patch Aure

What is the essence of a feast?

What is the essence of a feast? John 6:1-15. John’s version of the five loaves and two fish miracle In a feast, most (if not all) participants commemorate a figure that represents the group. In a way, a feast is a means to celebrate a group’s identity. The inherent sharing and dialogue built into dining […]

What does it mean to fully believe?

What does it mean to fully believe? John 3:16-21. God so loved the world that he gave His only Son “… So that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” Can we fully believe something without knowing something? When we examine what believing means, it is a deliberate act. […]

How can we know more about heaven?

How can we know more about heaven? John 3:7b-15. “You must be born from above.” My attempt at daily reflections has led me to arrive at a tentative insight: that our knowledge of heaven and the True Good can only be retroduced, as in, inferring causal mechanisms and interactions between entities through events we may […]

What does it mean to preach?

What does it mean to preach? Mark 16:15-20. The disciples preached everywhere In today’s context of constant information and communication, it is easy to transmit words. If by preach we mean “to talk about something”, there are many influencers and celebrities that do this for a living. Since it is easy to communicate verbally or […]

Persuasion is different from manipulation

Persuasion is different from manipulation Luke 24:35-48. Jesus continues to persuade His disciples through reason rather than imposing through His power There is something dignifying and empowering in the way Jesus tried to convince his disciples that He is resurrected. Imagine: if God is all-powerful, why didn’t He impose and manipulate His disciples on what […]

We are always on, but do we pay attention?

We are always on, but do we pay attention? Luke 24:13-35. The disciples did not recognize Jesus right away In this hyperconnected world, terabytes of information appear before us. We are supposedly “always on” — reachable via various channels. But are we really able to pay attention to things that really matter? The disciples did […]