Unknowingly becoming a false prophet

Unknowingly becoming a false prophet

We tend to characterize “false prophets” as maliciously pretending to be good and expressing words that sound good, but are ultimately false or evil.

But if we (over)think about it, isn’t it possible to inadvertently become false prophets ourselves?

Especially for us teachers, we claim to know more about certain things compared with others. The challenge is that knowledge is constantly updating. What we may have previously learned as timeless principles can turn out to be myths that must be busted today or in the future.

Think about the gravity of this: we may give out advice that we believe to be “sound”, but may turn out to be detrimental for the person’s flourishing.

This is why it is a red flag for an expert to not scope one’s level of awareness and intelligence; to claim that “I know more about this so shut up and listen!” A true expert or a true prophet acknowledges the bounds of one’s knowledge. A true expert’s confidence is not built on a shaky fluff of hubris, but rather, it is rooted in a solid rock of humility.

Thus, we are compelled to examine ourselves. Especially those who teach, “influence”, or “create content”. We may think sharing our views and messages is harmless fun, but if left unchecked or not examined, we may inadvertently become false prophets that we claim to reject.

Matthew 7:15-20. Beware of false prophets


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